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Showing posts from December, 2023

NWESD Partner Profile: Pacific Education Institute (PEI)

At Northwest Educational Service District, we rely on partners for local as well as statewide work. And I wanted to take some time to highlight Pacific Education Institute, one of Washington's science education biggest partners. Please know that if you get an email from PEI or their Field STEM Coordinator, Amy Keiper, the offer is legitimate... it is aligned to regional work... and 9BONUS!) it is often something that is free to districts! ðŸ˜€ Pacific Education Institute (PEI) is a statewide nonprofit based in Olympia, Washington. PEI provides tools, materials and customized professional development for K-12 educators to engage students in outdoor-based STEM learning. Since 2003, PEI has been supporting teachers and school administrators to deliver culturally inclusive, integrated, standards-aligned science education grounded in locally relevant economic and ecological systems, in collaboration with community partners in conservation and natural resources. PEI is an invaluable partne

[From PEI] Igniting Curiosity: Explore the Power of Place-Based Education with FieldSTEM

From:  Amy Keiper <> Sent:  Monday, December 4, 2023 11:31   Dear School and District Leaders,  I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to extend a special invitation to you and your leadership team to join us for an enlightening session that explores the transformative power of place-based education through the lens of FieldSTEM. Before you close this email, Pacific Education Institute is not trying to sell you anything - in fact, all of our resources are available FREE on our website. The work we do is supported by grants and partially funded by OSPI. We are a vision-focused non-profit working toward more civic-minded, scientifically literate Washington students graduating prepared for careers and ready to make informed decisions. FieldSTEM goes beyond traditional education boundaries, weaving the tapestry of learning with the rich threads of our local environment and community. Our upc

[OSPI] Deliberative Democratic Climate Change Pilot Program RFP

From:  Lori Henrickson <> Sent:  Tuesday, December 5, 2023 09:37 Subject:  Deliberative Democratic Climate Change Pilot Program RFP   Hello ClimeTime Network & Climate Educators, Please note that the Deliberative Democratic Climate Change Pilot Program RFP is now available on the OSPI competitive-procurements website  and the Washington Electronic Business Solution (WEBS) Procurement website .  Applications are due on 1/2/2024.  All questions must go to Kyla Moore,  A Pre-bid conference will be held on December 8, at 1:00 p.m. and registration for that Zoom is found in the RFP.  Please share with your network and anyone you think may be interested.    Lori Henrickson she/her Climate Science Curriculum Integration Consultant Secondary