From: Project 2061 <> Sent: Monday, May 21, 2018 5:00 AM Subject: Free Science Curriculum Workshop by AAAS Project 2061 (SSsnwns) Dear Science Educator, PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR COLLEAGUES. Middle school science and high school biology teachers are invited to submit an application to attend a free one-day workshop hosted by Project 2061, the science education initiative of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The workshop is also open to science specialists or administrators with science curriculum responsibilities. The workshop, "Supporting Three-dimensional Learning and Teaching with New Curriculum Materials," will be held on Thursday, August 2, 2018, at AAAS Headquarters, 1200 New York Avenue, NW, in Washington, DC. Led by the Project 2061 research and development team, the workshop will introduce participants to a pair of curriculum units designed to give students a coherent understand